30 Oct 2023

How it Works by Archibald Williams is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. THE MICROSCOPE, THE TELESCOPE, AND THE MAGIC-LANTERN.


The simple microscope—Use of the simple microscope in the telescope—The terrestrial telescope—The Galilean telescope—The prismatic telescope—The reflecting telescope—The parabolic mirror—The compound microscope—The magic-lantern—The bioscope—The plane mirror.

IN Fig. 119 is represented an eye looking at a vase, three inches high, situated at a, a foot away. If we were to place another vase, b, six inches high, at a distance of two feet; or c, nine inches high, at three feet; or d, a foot high, at four feet, the image on the retina would in every case be of the same size as that cast by a. We can therefore lay down the rule that the apparent size of an object depends on the angle that it subtends at the eye.

Fig. 119.

To see a thing more plainly, we go nearer to it; and if it be very small, we hold it close to the eye. There is, however, a limit to the nearness to which it can be brought with advantage. The normal eye is unable to adapt its focus to an object less than about ten inches away, termed the "least distance of distinct vision."


Fig. 120.

A magnifying glass comes in useful when we want to examine an object very closely. The glass is a lens of short focus, held at a distance somewhat less than its principal focal length, f (see Fig. 120), from the object. The rays from the head and tip of the pin which enter the eye are denoted by continuous lines. As they are deflected by the glass the eye gets the impression that a much longer pin is situated a considerable distance behind the real object in the plane in which the refracted rays would meet if produced backwards (shown by the dotted lines). The effect of the glass, practically, is to remove it (the object) to beyond the least distance of distinct vision, and at the same time to retain undiminished the angle it subtends at the eye, or, what amounts to the same thing, the actual size of the image formed on the retina. It follows, therefore, that if a lens be of such short focus that it allows us to see an object clearly at a distance of two inches—that is, one-fifth of the least distance of distinct vision—we shall get an image on the retina five times larger in diameter than would be possible without the lens.

The two simple diagrams (Figs. 121 and 122) show why the image to be magnified should be nearer to the lens than the principal focus, f. We have already seen (Fig. 109) that rays coming from a point in the principal focal plane emerge as a parallel pencil. These the eye can bring to a focus, because it normally has a curvature for focussing parallel rays. But, owing to the power of "accommodation," it can also focus diverging rays (Fig. 121), the eye lens thickening the necessary amount, and we therefore put our magnifying glass a bit nearer than f to get full advantage of proximity. If we had the object outside the principal focus, as in Fig. 122, the rays from it would converge, and these could not be gathered to a sharp point by the eye lens, as it cannot flatten more than is required for focussing parallel rays.

Fig. 121.

Fig. 122.


Fig. 123.

Let us now turn to Fig. 123. At a is a distant object, say, a hundred yards away. b is a double convex lens, which has a focal length of twenty inches. We may suppose that it is a lens in a camera. An inverted image of the object is cast by the lens at c. If the eye were placed at c, it would distinguish nothing. But if withdrawn to d, the least distance of distinct vision, behind c, the image is seen clearly. That the image really is at c is proved by letting down the focussing screen, which at once catches it. Now, as the focus of the lens is twice d, the image will be twice as large as the object would appear if viewed directly without the lens. We may put this into a very simple formula:—

Fig. 124.

In Fig. 124 we have interposed between the eye and the object a small magnifying glass of 2½-inch focus, so that the eye can now clearly see the image when one-quarter d away from it. b already magnifies the image twice; the eye-piece again magnifies it four times; so that the total magnification is 2 × 4 = 8 times. This result is arrived at quickly by dividing the focus of b (which corresponds to the object-glass of a telescope) by the focus of the eye-piece, thus:—

The ordinary astronomical telescope has a very long focus object-glass at one end of the tube, and a very short focus eye-piece at the other. To see an object clearly one merely has to push in or pull out the eye-piece until its focus exactly corresponds with that of the object-glass.


An astronomical telescope inverts images. This inversion is inconvenient for other purposes. So the terrestrial telescope (such as is commonly used by sailors) has an eye-piece compounded of four convex lenses which erect as well as magnify the image. Fig. 125 shows the simplest form of compound erecting eye-piece.

Fig. 125.


Fig. 126.

A third form of telescope is that invented by the great Italian astronomer, Galileo, in 1609. Its principle is shown in Fig. 126. The rays transmitted by the object-glass are caught, before coming to a focus, on a concave lens which separates them so that they appear to meet in the paths of convergence denoted by the dotted lines. The image is erect. Opera-glasses are constructed on the Galilean principle.


In order to be able to use a long-focus object-glass without a long focussing-tube, a system of glass reflecting prisms is sometimes employed, as in Fig. 127. A ray passing through the object-glass is reflected from one posterior surface of prism a on to the other posterior surface, and by it out through the front on to a second prism arranged at right angles to it, which passes the ray on to the compound eye-piece. The distance between object-glass and eye-piece is thus practically trebled. The best-known prismatic telescopes are the Zeiss field-glasses.

Fig. 127.


We must not omit reference to the reflecting telescope, so largely used by astronomers. The front end of the telescope is open, there being no object-glass. Rays from the object fall on a parabolic mirror situated in the rear end of the tube. This reflects them forwards to a focus. In the Newtonian reflector a plane mirror or prism is situated in the axis of the tube, at the focus, to reflect the rays through an eye-piece projecting through the side of the tube. Herschel's form of reflector has the mirror set at an angle to the axis, so that the rays are reflected direct into an eye-piece pointing through the side of the tube towards the mirror.

Fig. 128.—A parabolic reflector.


This mirror (Fig. 128) is of such a shape that all rays parallel to the axis are reflected to a common point. In the marine searchlight a powerful arc lamp is arranged with the arc at the focus of a parabolic reflector, which sends all reflected light forward in a pencil of parallel rays. The most powerful searchlight in existence gives a light equal to that of 350 million candles.


We have already observed (Fig. 110) that the nearer an object approaches a lens the further off behind it is the real image formed, until the object has reached the focal distance, when no image at all is cast, as it is an infinite distance behind the lens. We will assume that a certain lens has a focus of six inches. We place a lighted candle four feet in front of it, and find that a sharp diminished image is cast on a ground-glass screen held seven inches behind it. If we now exchange the positions of the candle and the screen, we shall get an enlarged image of the candle. This is a simple demonstration of the law of conjugate foci—namely, that the distance between the lens and an object on one side and that between the lens and the corresponding image on the other bear a definite relation to each other; and an object placed at either focus will cast an image at the other. Whether the image is larger or smaller than the object depends on which focus it occupies. In the case of the object-glass of a telescope the image was at what we may call the short focus.

Fig. 129.—Diagram to explain the compound microscope.

Now, a compound microscope is practically a telescope with the object at the long focus, very close to a short-focus lens. A greatly enlarged image is thrown (see Fig. 129) at the conjugate focus, and this is caught and still further magnified by the eye-piece. We may add that the object-glass, or objective, of a microscope is usually compounded of several lenses, as is also the eye-piece.


The most essential features of a magic-lantern are:—(1) The source of light; (2) the condenser for concentrating the light rays on to the slide; (3) the lens for projecting a magnified image on to a screen.

Fig. 130 shows these diagrammatically. The illuminant is most commonly an oil-lamp, or an acetylene gas jet, or a cylinder of lime heated to intense luminosity by an oxy-hydrogen flame. The natural combustion of hydrogen is attended by a great heat, and when the supply of oxygen is artificially increased the temperature of the flame rises enormously. The nozzle of an oxy-hydrogen jet has an interior pipe connected with the cylinder holding one gas, and an exterior, and somewhat larger, pipe leading from that containing the other, the two being arranged concentrically at the nozzle. By means of valves the proportions of the gases can be regulated to give the best results.

Fig. 130.—Sketch of the elements of a magic-lantern.

The condenser is set somewhat further from the illuminant than the principal focal length of the lenses, so that the rays falling on them are bent inwards, or to the slide.

The objective, or object lens, stands in front of the slide. Its position is adjustable by means of a rack and a draw-tube. The nearer it is brought to the slide the further away is the conjugate focus (see p. 239), and consequently the image. The exhibitor first sets up his screen and lantern, and then finds the conjugate foci of slide and image by racking the lens in or out.

If a very short focus objective be used, subjects of microscopic proportions can be projected on the screen enormously magnified. During the siege of Paris in 1870–71 the Parisians established a balloon and pigeon post to carry letters which had been copied in a minute size by photography. These copies could be enclosed in a quill and attached to a pigeon's wing. On receipt, the copies were placed in a special lantern and thrown as large writing on the screen. Micro-photography has since then made great strides, and is now widely used for scientific purposes, one of the most important being the study of the crystalline formations of metals under different conditions.


"Living pictures" are the most recent improvement in magic-lantern entertainments. The negatives from which the lantern films are printed are made by passing a ribbon of sensitized celluloid through a special form of camera, which feeds the ribbon past the lens in a series of jerks, an exposure being made automatically by a revolving shutter during each rest. The positive film is placed in a lantern, and the intermittent movement is repeated; but now the source of illumination is behind the film, and light passes outwards through the shutter to the screen. In the Urban bioscope the film travels at the rate of fifteen miles an hour, upwards of one hundred exposures being made every second.

The impression of continuous movement arises from the fact that the eye cannot get rid of a visual impression in less than one-tenth of a second. So that if a series of impressions follow one another more rapidly than the eye can rid itself of them the impressions will overlap, and give one of motion, if the position of some of the objects, or parts of the objects, varies slightly in each succeeding picture.


Fig. 131.

This chapter may conclude with a glance at the common looking-glass. Why do we see a reflection in it? The answer is given graphically by Fig. 131. Two rays, a b, a c, from a point a strike the mirror m at the points b and c. Lines b n, c o, drawn from these points perpendicular to the mirror are called their normals. The angles a b n, a c o are the angles of incidence of rays a b, a c. The paths which the rays take after reflection must make angles with b n and c o respectively equal to a b n, a c o. These are the angles of reflection. If the eye is so situated that the rays enter it as in our illustration, an image of the point a is seen at the point a1, in which the lines d b, e c meet when produced backwards.

Fig. 132.

When the vertical mirror is replaced by a horizontal reflecting surface, such as a pond (Fig. 132), the same thing happens. The point at which the ray from the reflection of the spire's tip to the eye appears to pass through the surface of the water must be so situated that if a line were drawn perpendicular to it from the surface the angles made by lines drawn from the real spire tip and from the observer's eye to the base of the perpendicular would be equal.

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This book is part of the public domain. Archibald Williams (2009). How it Works. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved

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